I was reading through a newspaper today and a few stories were too good not to comment on. My favourite was about a 40st bloater who had to be rushed to hospital after nearly eating herself to death! She rang 999 after getting stuck on the toilet but best of all was that the fire brigade had to knock down half of the front of the house to get her out. Joanna Ettienne (that's not her real name...okay it is!) blames her size on her carers... blimey, how many did she eat a day?
West Midlands Ambulance service wasted £10,000 on a survey asking staff to rate people on how cool they are!! People such as Richard Branson, Fabio Capello...and Hitler!! I'll tell you how cool he was, and it won't cost a penny. On a scale of 1-5 he was an effing looney tune!
The Labour party have to chose a new leader. Among those considered are Ed Balls - Please, we can't have someone known to the world as Prime Minister Balls, we'd be even more of a laughing stock. Also mentioned was Alistair Darling. This just makes me think of Blackadder goes forth and the brilliant General Melchett. Can you imagine Barack Obama phoning him up and saying, "Hello, Darling. Who shall we invade this time?" The dead caterpillars above his eyes don't help either. It's like the political equivalent of the Cheshire cat, just replace a smile with those ridiculous eye brows!
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