Okay! So I used to play a bit of Dungeons & Dragons - how else are young men supposed to meet girls? On the way home from work I pass a Games Workshop and on thursdays it must be role-playing night as it's generally full of specky four-eyed, greasy haired, lonely losers...
VERY much like myself. Sometimes, just sometimes there might be a girl in there. Yeah! I know.
A GIRL. Usual chatter follows thus : "If I role higher than a 15 on a d20 it means she's not wearing any knickers!" Snigger, snigger, push glasses back up nose. "Oh, you're so cool, Brian. I wish
I was that good with the girls." "Maybe you could... IF you role higher than 18 on a d20 AND possess the ancient jam jar of dragon's testicles."
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