Tuesday 28 September 2010

Sketchbook of Doom

I don't actually keep sketchbooks, just piles of paper in no order whatsoever. I think I've got some sort of OCD or something 'cos I know that if I had such a thing It'd be fine if the first page had a couple of drawings I was happy with but as soon as I'd draw a sketch I didn't like I'd tear the page out because it would ruin the whole book. Then I'd burn the book so that there was no evidence of such an error ever existing!!! But I thought they'd be no harm in posting some random sketches, or in this case, a few things worked up a bit. That's a typical birthday for me in the 2nd sketch and the 1st picture was an idea for a cartoon that after a week or so was no longer topical. I never got round to drawing it properly. Basically, the whole world was furious with the cat chucker of Coventry, saying how cruel she was...even China!!! Jeez. She only dumped it in a bin. It's not like she shoved in into a saucepan of boiling water!!! While I think of it, the last time I had a chinese I found a bell in my chow mein!!

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