Monday 23 January 2012

It's a man's best friend's life in the army

In 1969 John Lennon famously returned his medal, the MBE he and the rest of The Beatles were each awarded four years earlier. But at least it was his choice. In 1943 Chips was awarded the distinguished service medal. Chips was part of the US 3rd infantry division. The medal was awarded for, "Courageous action in singlehandedly eliminating a dangerous machine gun nest and causing the surrender of the crew". Four months later the medal was rescinded. Chips was a dog!! Half husky, half shepherd but all action hero! Either Chips was unique in being able to use a machine gun or he must have looked so cute in his little army uniform, so cute in fact that the Germans were distracted enough for Chips to steal their weapons and bury them outside. Chips decided that his future lay not with he army but with the air force and was part of the team put together by Professor Openheimer to develop the atomic bomb. Chips' legacy lived on however in the Vietnam War. His son, Fries, was the inspiration for the Robert Duvall character in Apocalypse  Now. Fries would arise every day to announce, "I love the smell of my own arse in the morning."

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